Thursday, December 30, 2010

30.12.10 :)

waaa ahirnya maen lagi. kali ini sama ivan,ray dan cing2 haha. emang uda janjian dari waktu ituu karena ray liburan k bali tgl 19-23 dan ivan ke malang tanggal 23-29 ahirnya baru bisa tgl 30 :) janjian ngumpul di ciwalk jam 2 terus beli tiket "gulliver travel"

sebelum nonton paling cuma jalan2 keliling ciwalk terus belanja makanan di yogya haha.naaah setelah ituu kita masuk bioskop buat ntn. sebenernya si waktu itu uda ntn gulliver, tp karena gabisa ntn yang laen lagi yauda saya nonton 2x tp gpp soalnya filmnya konyol abisss haha.seudah nonton, kita makan ke wendys!

naaah pas di wendys kt acara tuker kadoo wkwkwk. emang mendadak sii terus orangnya juga cuma b3 tp gapapa yang penting togetherness :P ivan ngasi lapis malang, ray ngasi sendal bali buat saya dan gendang kecil buat ivan teruss saya ngasi seprangkat alat tulis spongebob buat mereka haha. hari terakhir ketemu mrk di taun ini. terimakasih yaaa :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

12 signs

here 12 signs that you're falling in love :

12. you can't stay mad at him/her for more than a minute or two. you actually have to try hard to stay mad

11. you'll read his/her sms OVER and OVER AGAIN

10. you'll walk really REALLY slow while your with him/her

9. you'll feel shy whenever your with him/her

8. by listening to his/her voice you'll smile for no reason

7. while looking at him/her, u can't see the other people around you. you can only see THAT person

6. you'll listening to love song

5. he/she becomes all you think about

4. you'll get high just by his/her smell

3. you'll realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think of him/her

2. you'll do anything for him/her

1. while reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time

Friday, December 3, 2010

03.12.10 :)

waaa setelah beberapa minggu ga pegi maen sm tmn akhirnya hari ini pegi juga :) emang uda rencana si dari minggu lalu maen sama ray,ivan,hang dll.soalnya mereka baru pulang dari sg.tadi sampe bolos rapat osis buat pgi maen :P abis uda bener2 pengen maen terus emg uda janji dr sminggu yang lalu. hmm, pulang skola ray datang menjemput tapi cuma sama ivan yang laen pada gabisa katanya.yauda deh abis muter2 di sekola pergi b3 ke pvj. serasa punya bodyguard tadii haha.pertama beli tiket nonton "a nightmare on elm street"

sambil nunggu nonton, makan di qua li.gara2 ga gitu laper jadi bagi 2 deh sama si ivan,ngegosip disana crita2 pokonya rame laah.ampir sejam meren duduk2 di quali. terus beli minuman k carrefour buat di bioskop,irit ceritanya mah =P naahh abis itu mencari tempat yang baik untuk bisa fto,akirnya kita menemukan tempat yaitu di depan planet surf haha.abis cari2 gada kaca akirnya fto disitu deh. lumayan bagus ko jadinyaa kaya fto di kaca kan?wkwk

sampai ahirnya nonton!!nanut nyusul pas nonton, jadi fto sama nanut sedikit :( sekitar 2 jam nonton filmnya si okee. si ivan smpe pinjem tas buat nutupin mataa. naah abis nonton makan lagi di tahu talagaa. kali ini bareng nanut jugaa terus fto lagiii haha

ray pulang dlu, ga pulang sii dia pergi sama keluarganyaa. terus tinggal ivan, nanut dan sayaa. dari tahu talaga kita ke tutty frutty. kayanya seharian makan terus da tadii haha. bagi 2 lagi deh sama si ivan, nanut gamau soalnya. di tutty frutty denger ivan cerita! dan ceritanya sangat amat luar biasa bojengnya wkwkwk. tapi jago juga si dia ngarangnyaa ttg kerajaan pinpin -.-" terus bergilir bikin cerita. pokonya konyol abiss haha

sampe akhirnya ivan dijemput yaa uda deh pulang ke rumah masing2 haha. dari pulang sekola sampe jam 9 maen terussss. thanks for today yaaa :D

Thursday, November 25, 2010

pictpictpict ♥

heyyy these are some picture which were made when i was at 9th grade. i always did it when i felt bored and i used the back of the absent card for the paper. because i was the secretary of the class at that time :p and here they are ....

i hope i can ride the balloon air with someone whom will be my prince :) we can see the whole world and we near to the sky so i can touch the cloud easily hahaha

in the rainy day i want someone cover me with the BIG leaf. i think it will be very fun

doing picnic together!! haha i never go picnic :( it will be a good thing when we go somewhere and eat together on the grass and we can share our lunch

hmm, it's like the second picture right?the different just the umbrella and the leaf haha.i don't know why i really love rain :) so i drew two pictures in the rainy day

and this is the last picture. i really want to see the stars with someone someday. it will be so nice when we can see the sky at night and wishing what we want ( if there is a shooting star) :)

maybe all that pictures that i draw look like a fairy tale which never come true haha. but i hope it will come true (at least one :P) and of course i hope i will do all that things with the right person too. hmm just wait for the right time when God allow me to do all that things with the right person :D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Dear, Diary

I saw him passing by my way
I didn't know what to do
I used to smile and greet him
But i felt so awkward so i looked the other way

Besides, he's the star of the basketball team
He'll never notice a geek like me

Dear, Diary

I passed by the corridor
and saw the pretty smart girl I usually sit with during Chemistry
I tried to smile at her
But she looked the other way
Besides, I'm just a guy who could shoot some hoops
while she's this pretty honor student
She'll never like a guy like me

Monday, November 1, 2010

something is missing

I'm not alone, I wish I was
Cause then I'd know, I was down because
I couldn't find, a friend around
To love me like, they do right now
They do right now

I'm dizzy from the shopping malls
I searched for joy, but I bought it all
It doesn't help the hunger pains
and a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate

Something's missing
And I don't know how to fix it
something's missing
And I don't know what it is

When autumn comes, it doesn't ask
It just walks in, where it left you last
And you never know, when it starts
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart

Something's missing
And I don't know how to fix it
something's missing
And I don't know what it is
At all

I can't be sure that this state of mind, is not of my own design
I wish there was an over the counter test, for loneliness
For loneliness like this

Something's missing
And I don't know how to fix it
Something's missing
And I don't know what it is

No I don't know what it is
Something's different
And i don't know what it is
No I don't know what it is

How come everything I think I need, always comes with batteries
What do you think it means

John Mayer

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

my confession

yaaap this is my confession of falling for a boy. i'm a type of girls who not easy to fall for someone,but not so hard too. the hardest part about fall for someone is starting first. i don't know what should i do, always facing two options. first, should i show my feeling to him?or second, should i keep waiting and hope until he will like me too? if i think about that, i don't know what is the correct one because if i show my feeling, i think it isn't good enough for girls to show it first, it's like too aggressive -.-" and i don't like being like that. but why some of my friends have different opinion from me? some of them choose to show it for example, when the boy's birthday she called him first and made a cake by herself. if she is his gf or his crush it isn't a problem but if she's just his friend does it sound too exaggerate?when the result is the boy fall for her too, it's good. but how if the boy feel disturbed by her act?the second option, if i keep waiting when will the boy see me or know about my feeling? just hope a miracle comes lol. maybe that's why i always lose from the other girls. i don't have any effort to get what i want. my other confession, for me it's very hard to forget someone who was so close to me.but why it seems so easy for the others? for example, my friends have a relationship almost one year but when they broke up after two months later both of them have the new one -.- when we talk about love everything is confusing. it can make us happy and sad at the same time. now i'm 16th already and i never have a relationship but it isn't a big problem for me because i know God has deserved someone who will be my perfect prince someday. there will be a right person in the right time!and having a lot of ex isn't something that can be proud of lol. for now, the important one is make God,my family and friend proud of me :)PS : dear my prince charming, i don't know who you are now. you can be one of my friends or a stranger who i never know before. but i know you will come someday and God deserves you for me to make my love story has a happy ending :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

hey :)

i write this blog for one of my friends, i want to tell what i feel but i don't know how to tell it to you. so i decided to write here but i'm not sure you will read it. honestly it's about our problem, maybe it isn't called a problem but i feel there is something wrong between us. if we remembered, at the first time we didn't know each other then suddenly we often chatting on msn. we shared our story and it felt like i have known you since a long time. i didn't know why, maybe because at that time both of us were broken hearted and felt the same feeling so we became friends easily. as i know, you're introvert person so when you shared your story to me however it's not important to you, i felt so happy because you trusted me for being your friend. i was also happy when you asked my opinion about your tag line for your student council. at that time i couldn't help you at all, just could pray for you and hope you would be accepted. when i made some pictures for helping your promotion, it was too late but you still appreciated it. then when you supported me to get the scholarship you sent me some email and told me how to get it, you also prayed for me too.thanks a lot my friend :) but sorry finally i just made you disappointed. as the time passed, i felt something wrong with my feeling. i was scared of falling for you and sometimes i thought this feeling didn't real. so i tried to hide and hope it would be disappeared asap.then i concluded maybe i didn't fall for you, i just like you, i just like you as a good friend. that's the best conclusion that i can think. reminding the time when i said that i have forgotten my ex crush but i still made some status for him, sorry i lied. and now i promise i won't fall for him again,i don't want to be a fool :P maybe since that time you won't trust me anymore, right?in the past we often chat on msn, but now we seldom do it. to be honest i just want you to share your stories like in the past and being your trusted friend again. i know you have fallen for someone, because sometimes i read your blog and twitter but it doesn't mean i'm your stalker, i just want to know how are you now because it feels i like a stranger who never know you at all whereas in the past you shared your story to me. everytime i ask you, you always said i'm 'sotoy' -.- i hope you aren't getting angry if you read this post, i just want to say what i feel inside. it's up to you if you still called me 'sotoy' or stalker but i'm not that ones. if you think it's better for me to don't know anything about you, i will appreciate you decision too. sorry for my a lot of stupid questions which disturb you. in the end of this post i want to say "all the best for you, friend :) "

Thursday, September 9, 2010

hurts the most

It's been a long time
Since the last time, I saw you
Feels like nothing changed since we've been together
I must admit that I go crazy 'bout you

And I can see it in your eyes
That there's something you want to say to me
Cause usually right now you'd be holding on to me
But instead you're telling me

The things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had has got to be through

And what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me

I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, how I'm missing you now

I hate that there is someone new
Coming in and taking my place
Doing the things that we used to do
And making love to you

And oh, what am I supposed to do?
It's killing me 'cause I want you
And you should have known my love was true
And there's no one else in this world for me but you

I know that I'm the one to blame for losing you
I really, really wish that I could be happy for you
There's just one thing I need you to do
Don't you touch her like you used to touch me
Don't you love her like you really need me
Don't you love her like you used to love me

What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know, I love you so
What hurts the most.....


i hate when people lie to me and they don't tell the truth however i've known the truth but they still keep lying

i hate when people break their promise whatever the reasons are. if they can't fulfill their promise, they shouldn't make it

i hate when people talk behind my back. just tell to me directly because i will accept it if i think it's true

i hate when people felt so hopeless and they said no one care to them fact, God is still care to them,right?remember He never leaves His children

i hate when people never feel graceful in their life because there are so many people whose life is worse than them but they still feel graceful

i hate when people want to know my secret but they don't allow me to know their secret

i hate when people CHANGE!!when people i was so close with can become just another stranger that i don't know

and the last one i hate how the people who can make me smile is the one who made me cry

Thursday, September 2, 2010

apple tree :)

i have read an article which is very GREAT and then i try to draw this picture with paint (it's really hard and take a long time -.-) long time i don't update my blog because this week is so damn busy. after update my blog i have to study biology aaa i really hate it. there are a lot of tests this week and it happens almost everyday!really need holiday asap :p now, i will write what this picture it is....
girls are like apples on trees. the best ones are at the top of the tree. the boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. so the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're AMAZING. they just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's BRAVE enough to climb all the way to the top oh the tree :D

Sunday, August 15, 2010


this is for the broken hearted. i know how you feel. empty, betrayed, and no happiness whatsoever. you don't want to laugh, because you know it's not going to help, but you don't want to cry, because it will just make you feel worse. you feel like your heart is falling apart, but not only that, but you know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. you don't think it will never end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. and everyone wonders why if they have hurt you so much, then why do you still love them. that's the confusing part, you don't know why, you just do, and the people who hurt you the most, and normally the ones you love the most. and then, after a few weeks, you finally feel the sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but you know inside that you're just going into denial. and after few more weeks, you're back to where you were "an empty soul and teary eye". you thought you got over them, but really, you just stop showing it. and you can't help but to show it again. it leaves deep scars on your heart that are there forever. and no one understands what you feel, and how deep you are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happen to them. and even if it has, every broken heart is different. they don't know the true pain you feel and carry each everyday now, so you learn that basically you are alone with all this. and the feeling start to overwhelm you, and suddenly you just break down, right there, because you know you have had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where you don't care to see's. because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted by the scars and fear of rejection. and the midst of all these tears, you know its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if you ever even have them in the first place. after about a million tears have been cried, you finally pull yourself back together and keep going. your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears you are trying to hold back. everyone says "it will be OK.." but you know it won't. and that's is the truth, it won't. and you look back on all of the hurt you have from this, and you realize that people are horrible. you're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks you're OK. so now, everyone you see this person, you know you still love them, and you feel a slight tingle in your heart yearning for them to love you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. and then you sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all of this..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


hmm i don't know from where i should start the story. it's about my ex crush and i. after we graduated 10th grade my friends asked me to go to the cinema with my ex crush and some of my friends. we had fun together and there were some stories which make me reminding him again. first, when we entered the cinema, we walked behind the others and he touched my head. second, he always walked beside or near me but i didn't know it was happened by accident or not. and last the most unforgetable one when we walked back to the school, he was in the front and i was at the back but suddenly he walked more slowly so he was beside me and the others were in front of us. both of us walked together at the back and had a lot of conversations. honestly, i really missed that time. in my birthday party he came with his friends. i took some photos with everyone who came including him. we took 3 photos and when i cut the birthday cake, i must gave it to someone special and i gave to him. we had a lot of pictures in that moment. after we arrived at home, we texted each other and he said he felt really happy because of the cake and i said to him about what i felt at that time. i was very happy but i knew i shouldn't did it because the condition was different than in the past. he asked me to send our photos. i won't upload it,let it be our memory,only he and i :) the next day we still texted like in the past. does it mean i give him a second chance?my friend said that i couldn't lie to myself, i said i want to forget him but my heart felt hurt if i did it. aaaaa i still confused about my feeling right now. i don't know what should i do because i'm scared of falling for him again. and sometimes i want to ask : God, don't You allowed me to forget him?because when i tried it i would dream about him and it made me reminding him again. and why does everything always come so late? if everything happened in the past....................................................

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

blue tomorrow

When it’s tomorrow, we agree not to meet again
Sitting in the shop at the end of the road, I ordered a cup of missing you
When it’s tomorrow, we can only let love pass by
Before daybreak, two persons’ smiling faces become a yellowed photograph

Around me Loneliness is spreading
Vision is being blurred by tears
I left “I love you” at the bottom of my heart and put them on the tip of my lips

When it’s tomorrow, you will leave my side
When it’s tomorrow, I will wish upon a shooting star alone
Just like the ending of a movie
Our ending fulfilled the prediction of tears
Broken promises all over the ground, the yesterday that cannot be pieced together again
But I still look forward to the appearance of a miracle
Your shadow is drifting further and further away.

Love is still lingering in my room
Before the memory becomes real, in a moment
It felt like you were in front of my eyes

Without you, love starts to hibernate
Loneliness will occupy every day
I stand under the streetlight, on the side of the cold street
That place where we once embraced
Is the roof under which we once seek shelter from the rain together

I still reminisce the past when we were in love
I’m still waiting for you to come back to my side
Tears are falling on the side of my cold pillow
I hit pause on time until you appear again
I cannot stand each of the days without you

I love you, it will not change
I’ll be loving you till eternity

Sunday, July 18, 2010

may peace prevail on earth

waaa i must draw AGAIN for another competition and i really enjoy it because of the theme. the competition is about making a postcard with a theme "may peace prevail on earth" -> really like the theme :D first, i try to think for the idea and after spend about 15 minutes i still don't know what should i draw. but suddenly God comes for helping me!! *light bulb* lol. i'll never can do this if God doesn't help me. thaaanks God!! and finally the postcards have done :)

the first one :)

the second one :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

not as i expected

today is my birthday but i'm not happy like everyone's think
something is missing...

at 12 o'clock my bestfriend, sheren is the first person who say the birthday wish to me thanks sierr :) and then some of my friends text me too but someone who i think will text me don't text me until now. nice!

everything isn't as i expected...

maybe it's true hope just makes us disappointed...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


when i spent my holiday in sg i felt useless especially when i saw some of teenagers who wore their school made me reminding about the scholarship test and honestly i felt jealous. have you ever felt when all of you want has gone?it remains a pain really -.- when i was in junior high sch there was a scholarship test to anderson and i was really excited to join it. my family and friends also support me and believe i can be accepted. i prepared for everything; taking a course in holiday time, doing some exercises, asking my friends about the test, and praying to God. there were 15 girls who would join the test but the test was canceled because the school had some importance, it happened in March and the test was delayed to June. June had come there were 12 girls but they didn't come again because of swine flu and the test delayed again to July and there were only 5 girls who still want to join the test including me. i knew it would be a big chance but they still not come because of terrorism in jakarta so they did'nt come in my year.but i didn't give up, my mom's friend asked me to apply asean scholarship. if our national exam score was good, we could join the test and my score was 38 but they didn't send me a letter which said i could join the test. my friend whose score is 36 received their letter. so, i checked my form, my dad did some mistakes about my score and he tried to explain his fault to MOE and finally they gave me a chance. thanks dad for your kindness but sorry i just make you disappointed. i went to jakarta and did my best for the test but i didn't accept. 2010 had come my family supported me to take anderson scholarship again so i joint the test with my junior, i also did my best but i didn't accepted again. i cried all day, regret for being stupid, regret making my family and friends disappointed, regret i can't be a worthy person. but thanks God you give me a good family and friends. they never blame me of my stupidity but they still support me and said "God has another plan for you". i just blame myself until now and i promise to make them proud someday but still, i feel that pain :(

Thursday, July 1, 2010


hari ini saya latian pelayanan jadi pemusik di gereja sama yosia, josef, michael. mereka semua saya kenal dari sejak saya sd. awalnya si latian buat kebaktian nanti minggu seudah selesai si michael pulang dulu jadi tinggal saya,yosia sama ocep. pas itu kita cerita2 sama ngobrol tentang banyak hal dari masalah keluarga sampe masalah temen. sd kita semua bareng tapi smp saya pindah nah tadi mereka cerita ttg temen2 sd saya yg dulu. beberapa dari mereka jadi 'rusak'. jujur saya kaget banget pas denger ceritanya. ada yang jadi bisnis helm curian, jadi dia nyuri helm2 di mall gitu dan dia itu temen sebangku saya waktu kelas 5sd dan setau saya dia orangnya bae banget.tapi sekarang malah jadi kaya gitu. ada lg tmn saya yang jadi ga bnr kelakuaanya. kaget lah denger cerita2 tentang tmn sd saya dulu. kebanyakan dari mereka semua jadi kaya gini gara2 faktor keluarga mereka yg broken home. kalo diliat sekilas si semuanya keliatan normal, saya aja ga nyangka kalo mereka jadi pada berubah gitu. kadang waktu seseorang punya sikap aneh kaya kecentilan atau caper justru sebenernya kepribadian mereka lagi bermasalah. hari ini saya merasa amat sangat bersyukur lahir di dalem keluarga yang baik2. mungkin kalo saya dilahirin di keluarga yang broken home saya ga punya mental yang kuat. saya kagum sama tmn saya yang walopun ortunya broken home dia ga pernah ngerasa nyesel atau ga beruntung. dia malah bilang lahir dari keluarga yang broken home itu bikin dia jadi lebih dewasa daripada anak seumuran dy. dia cuma bilang kadang ngerasa kesepian dan itu ga bisa didapet darimanapun selaen sama keluarga. begitu denger dia ngomong kaya gitu saya kagum, biasanya orang malah jadi marah atau 'rusak' tapi dia tetep bersyukur sama apapun yang dia punya. dia juga awalnya uda mau bunuh diri tapi Tuhan kayanya ga ngijinin dia buat ngelakuin hal itu dan sekarang menurut saya si ya dia jadi berkat buat banyak orang. hari ini saya bener2 dapet pelajaran berharga buat besyukur sama apapun yang udah kita punya. rencana kita itu semua uda Tuhan siapin dan itu pasti yang terbaik.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

pangandaran ♥

17 - 19 june ~ sheren, jessica, tessa, cing2, devina, agung, hans, mic and i went to pangandaran. we gathered in front of our school and started our journey at 5a.m. it needs almost 6 hours to go to pangandaran so we arrived at 110'clock and check in to our hotel which name is SIP. we felt a little bit scared because of the hotel's name is "SIP??" from its name it looks like a bad hotel right? but after we arrived in the hotel, it looks good enough and SIP is the abbreviation of Sun In Pangandaran. lol. it is a new hotel and still in under renovation but we can stay in it. after we took a rest for almost one hour, we went to acip restaurant for lunch and went to the beach! throwing sands, built sand castle, taking a lot of photos etc. we didn't spend a lot of time for play in the beach because mic has a problem with his leg. he just took some photos for us, sat in the side and talked to some fishermen. how poor he so we went back to the hotel and played in the pool so mic could play with us. we was borrowed a surfboard by someone whom we didn't know before, we played with it. so fun!then we took a bath and ready for another activity : riding a bicycle! mic and sheren rent an ATV and the others rent a bicycle. long time i didn't ride it and luckily i still could ride it :) we went around pangandaran twice and after felt hungry we went to rasa sayange restaurant!! waaa, it's time for eat :9 we served prawn, squid, kangkung, fish etc. i ♥ the prawn!. next day we woke up very early and breakfast was delivered to our rooms and we ready for shopping time!boys just played in hotel's pool and girls went shopping! we did it almost 5 hours until luch time. i bought a lot of barong clothes. 2 for me, 1 for my second brother, 2 for my bestfriends. i bought some pants too for my mother and me (of course :p) shirt for my father and a keychain for my other bestfriend. for lunch, we bought ayam goreng and ayam bakar, brought and ate it in the hotel. after lunch, we walked to the beach and took some photos again but rain has come hoaaa we ran from the beach to the hotel and all of us were wet. dinner time!! we ate seafood again. if you go to pangandaran you must try "udang telor asin" all of my friends like it including me :) we ate more than yesterday because it would be our last day. then we rent bicycle again. something bad happened, when i rid the bicycle, some local people followed me and jessica. hoaa i really scared and panic, trying to ride it in full speed! after we met agung and hans, the local people turned back and didn't follow us again. thanks God :) when we continued our journey, rain came again so we chose to stop and wait until the rain has gone. at about 8 o'clock pm we back to the hotel and gathered in girls room. we played card and when we played 'polisi, penjahat, dokter' i became the narator so i must to talk loudly and now i have a problem with my throat :( we watched world cup together too :) boys back to their rooms and for girls it's "story time" lol. all of us shared about our love story, boys and gave some advices one another. it was really excited! and sleep fairy has come :O she threw sleepy powder to us lol. and day two end. last day we woke up at 9a.m same with yesterday our breakfast was delivered to our rooms and we packed all of our belongings. 11 o'clock we check out and arrived in bandung about 5o'clock. nice trip guys, it will be a good good memory :D

Friday, June 11, 2010


something happened yesterday. my ex crush text me first, long time we didn't contact each other. he asked me about ovi and said he used nokia too. he still called me with 'especially name'. i thought "i don't know when i can forget him, he always back and contacts me first when i try to forget everything about him and it makes me reminding about something in the past". this happens in a few time. first in last march, it was a rainy day and i ran from school to my car. when i look back, i saw him. he followed and ran beside me and then he put his hand up and covered my head from the rain. how could i forget that moment?-.- after about two months later i tried to forget him again, and I CAN (however not all the memories i can forget but i can let him go). now, it happened again yesterday. we didn't contact for a long time and he text me first. i felt a little bit confused because his friend said that he changed his handphone so all of his contact has lost including me. but why he can get my number? we chatted and talked about his new crush.i supported them very much because his new crush is better than me. she is more mature and beautiful. i think only my trusted friends know why i said his new crush is more mature than me lol :p when we chatted, he called me with a wrong 'especially name' and i know that especially name was made for his new crush. WOW! now i realize, he still the same. having an especially name for some girls. don't play on me mr.playboy, i will not fall for you again because i believe God has deserved someone for me who is better than you. we are better to be a friend. not more. "wtneyt esvnhet fo emrvneob ta nevlee taps tfiyf wot mp athst eht yda ehnw uyo dsia KSA dna wno i nkwo sti ujts a UBSLHLTI."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


that's the picture that i have to draw yesterday. it looks like a kid who drawing this but in the fact i am the high school student who drawing this :p this picture will send to polandia for a competition with a theme "the child and the dog". hmm i'm not sure i will win that competition because there are thousand of people who join this competition too. but i must be optimistic!because i have done my best and He will do the rest :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

tiring daaaay :(

waa today there are a lot of activities which make me feel really tired -.-
i must wake up at 7 a.m and go to church.last night i back from pvj at 11 p.m so i feel sleepy.
(sorry God i feel a little bit sleepy when i was in church lol :) ) but something good happens at that time. something which make me SMILE all day. after back from church at i go to pendawa square for practising dance! aaa it takes 3 hours. so looonng. but let see the advantage. i burn some calories! :D wish my team can be accepted in the audition next week.
at i and my best friend who being my friend for 7 years watch SUPER JUNIOR concert.
i ♥ SUPER JUNIOR especially dong hae :) bonamana, sorrysorry and almost all their song are very great. we watch them until 6 p.m wow! and then we eat chicken porridge. after i arrived at home,i must drawing a picture for "something which is very important"
i still not finish it yet and i must continue tomorrow :(

Friday, June 4, 2010

my first blog

waa it's my first blog! it takes a long time for making it.
the reasons why i want to make this blog are :
1. spending my holiday time :)
2. trying for something new
3. for sharing what i want to share
4. i don't want to be outdated (am i used a wrong word? :p)
5. and so ooonnn...
i try to find a cute background for my blog but almost all of them aren't good enough. they look too complicated and finally i choose the simple one. polkadot. it looks better than the others and the colour of the background is blue :)