Thursday, November 17, 2011
i don't know why november always not so good to me
a lot of thoughts always come before i'm going to sleep
actually i don't know what exactly i was thinking about
everything just comes out every night and make myself feel so hard to close my eyes and sleep
i guess i'm just tired..
tired of the situation that always make me can't sleep at the right time
tired of being tired, not because of my final school project, it's because i'm tired so i can't think clearly, it is so disturbing and i'm scared i can't get through this well
tired of pretending that i'm alright, but i don't like to show this to the people. i don't want when people see me they know if i have a problem. i don't like being asked "what happen" because they just pretend to care, they don't really care
tired of taking a pity to myself. i care too much to other people feeling until i forget if i have a feeling that want to be cared by others too :')
it makes me hate myself..
i hate myself who pretend to be strong when actually i'm not
i hate myself who can't talk and show my feeling in front of the others easily
i hate myself who just can write all my feeling on this blog
i hate myself who aren't strong enough to face all my problems by myself
i hate myself who always ask God to accompany me when i can't sleep
sorry God i bother You every night..
but i need Your strength to face all this things..
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
single vs relationship
gatau kenapa tiba2 pengen nge post tentang ini mungkin lagi galau juga kali ya :p
bisa dibilang saya orang yang tidak berpengalaman dalam masalah pacaran
belum pernah loo ._. tapi saya cukup bangga dan sedih haha
tapi emang dulu dari smp sampe sma emang gamau dulu soalnya belum merasa waktunya
sekarang udah kuliah dan udah 17 kadang pengen tau gimana rasanya
pengen tau gimana rasanya dicariin tiap hari, dianter jemput, malem minggu pergi bareng dll
kalo denger cerita temen2 saya kayanya rameee banget
deket dan pacaran itu beda katanya..
dari smp sampe sma paling pernahnya deket sama cowo
yang paling berkesan pas waktu sma, mungkin itu uda masuk ke tahap yang agak serius
ga cinta2 monyet kaya pas smp hahaha
tapi udahnya juga kandas di tengah jalan LOL cuma deket beberapa bulan
lumayan lama si deketnya, tapi karena suatu masalah *eis* yauda udahan..
tapi sebenernya kalo dipikir2 lagi, pacaran sekarang juga belum tentu kuat sampe nanti, jadi kaya gimana ya?
buat apa pacaran sekarang kalau nanti ujung2nya putus juga? ._.
lagian saya merasa cowo seumuran saya sekarang ini ga pada serius, ya walopun ga semua sii tapi bicara secara umum aja
kadang ngeliat temen2 saya kaya yang gampang buat dapet pacar, putus, dapet lagi yang laen..hmmm kenapa buat saya susah yaaa :(
kalau boleh pilih, saya lebih milih deket sama orang daripada terikat dalam suatu hubungan. tapi harus sama2 ada komitmen juga. tapi justru disitu susahnyaa
kalau ga terikat dengan suatu hubungan, makin banyak masalah yang mungkin terjadi haha
lagian komitmen sama kepercayaannya harus bener bener serius soalnya ga ada status
eh tapi jangan juga deh kaya gitu, beresiko tinggi!
yaa kadang suka galau liat orang laen punya orang yang bisa diandalin kalo ada apa2, ada orang yang selalu stand by kalo perlu apa2, yang bisa nemenin, care dan lain lain pokonya membuat kita merasa jadi orang yang paling penting dan diperlukan :D
ngeliat orang pacaran kalo malem minggu pergi bareng, saya disini?paling online dan diem di rumah LOL
dulu si bisa pergi bareng temen2 senasib lainnya haha, seudah pindah kesini jadi makin kerasa sepi. mungkin karena lingkungan baru juga jadi kerasa beda aja kalo pergi bareng temen juga ._. ga serame pergi bareng temen2 di indo..
yahhh sekarang saya harus belajar sabar..
sabar menunggu orang yang tepat yang udah Tuhan siapin :)
gatau kapan dan dimana tapi suatu saat pasti saya ketemu sama "dia" haha
Sunday, November 6, 2011
the boy and the girl
*the story is just a fiction from my friend's experience :D
Saturday, July 9, 2011
goodbye 16th welcome 17th
birthday taun ini lumayan berkesaaan hahaha
ya malem2 pd ngucapin aja gituu,yang pertama heizel dengan waktu singapore wkwk kalo pake jam indo yang pertama deiver terus lanjut sheren terus kk terus yang laiiin
uda gitu dari pagi sampe siang asa biasa aja. plain day --" pas jam 3an pergi ke dokter gigi buat kontrol dari situ mulai sedikit aneh si, si papa asa smsan terus mulai curiga tp ya bysa aja da asa ga mungkin temen2 pada ke rumah. di jalan pulang candra sms "pin sry gabisa ikut,g tadi nuker dolar" wkwkwwk mulai curigaaa tp da mikir siapa tau gajadi.terus ada tetangga ngasi wall "ehh dibanjur sama temen2 ya?" mulai tambah curiga tp ya udalah i don't want to expect too much :)
sesampainya di rumah, ya gitu aja sepi ga ada tanda2 tiba2 dr loteng atas semua pada teriak2 nyanyi happy birthday hahaha.terus ditumpahin kertas,kamar dihiasin sangat tidak menyangka.kayanya itu ulang taun pertama gw yang dikasi surprise. sedih ya?hahaha tapi sekarang senang :D ada nanut, jejes, sheren, devi, sasa, mimil, rina, moje, cing2, nyo2, lala, angga, kk, wilton, robby, erik!! ga nyangka aja pada dateng da rumah mereka lumayan pada jauh2. ternyata uda kompakan sama bobby dan si papa.
ya terimakasih ajaaa ulang taun kali ini berkesan!!ulang taun terakir di bandung sebelom k sg aaaaa tapi ada satu hal yang bikin sedikit kecewa the same as last year,someone who i think will congratulate me didn't do that haha.bukan ga ngelakuin juga sii,ngelakuin di saat2 terakir tp teh kaya ga niat wkwkwk gatau juga si yaaa.padahal taun lalu lebih baik,tp i have to graceful in whatever that happened today!
i hope this year will be a better year for my life!in study,in friendship and in my love life.thanks God you has given me one more year to be a better person. love you all :D
Sunday, June 19, 2011
friends :)
1. sheren, devi, jejes, nanut, cing2
yess!! there are my best friends ever!we have done a lot of things together. we laugh, we smile, we fight, we cry :) since in the junior high school until now, however we weren't in the same class we still best friendsand i hope until the end of time we are still best friends :) with cing2, she is my best friend since i was in kindergarten :D
people said that senior high school is the best time to make a lot of memories and i 100% agree with that opinion. in senior high school, i went to a lot of incredible sweet 17th parties and had a chance to be the polonaise dancers. first in jessica's party it was really fun and i really enjoyed the party maybe it's because the other polonaise dancers and jessica are my best friends!!
the other memories, in senior high school i could go anywhere easily.the picked me up and drove me home lol thanks to erik and baso who always did that to senior high school too i met a lot of friends fro xe and xib, the best class ever!!!
2. XE
first, we didn't know each other but as the time goes by, we became closer. in this class i met so many friends who taught me a lot of new things. hanging out together, celebrating our birthday every months, and doing bbq 2 times. we spent a night in mimil's house and chele's villa together then sharing our problems. alin,chele,mimil we met in this class and we became best friends right?we made "gubuk cinta" and shared all of our problems whereas we didn't know each other in the first time.i also met KK who sat beside me for 6 months, erik, jambi, angga, yoyong, sam, ricky, lala, maggie, sasa, stacey, dian etc. we had spent many times for fun together :)
the best class ever!!!and i really love every single thing about this class. thanks to devi, mimil, stacey, moje, rina, cibo, amel, cae, fey who were being my best female friends in this class. i spent a whole year and sat with devi. we had done a lot of things together. then my basketball team in this class ; mimil, amel, fey, moje, stacey!! we have won a lot of class competitions!! and thanks to my best male friends too. franz, joseph, candra. i never foget when you said "my name is josephine and my hobby is angry" then you said my face look like our english teacher,mam hanna zzzz all of you taught me to become a patient person, sometimes i feel mad to all of you but then i realized it was unforgetable memory from you guys :) then thanks to baso, erik, angga, mue, yoyo, godz, lauren, batok. all of you are GREAT!!in xib we went to lampung and sang our song "i am in misery OHYEAH!! lol we decorate our alay class for valentine day. when porak, we painted our face with red and white ink.we went to pvj and watching black death, suckseed, and sanctum. and the other memories when the last day we studied together, i cried :( i don't know why, i just thought that "i will miss all the moments here"
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
"Eleven Hints for Life"
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.
3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.
5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.
6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.
7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.
8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.
9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.
10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.
11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with
a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.
- Unknown
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
but . . . . . .
i feel sad too, because i'm too scared that everything will be changed. i'm scared you will not remember me anymore,you're too busy with your new friends and your new activities. so, the distance between us become farther and farther. i hope there's nothing that will change, or at least you still realize my existence
i'm happy and sad AT THE SAME TIME~
Friday, February 18, 2011
a crazy little thing called love
one day there is a girl whose name is Nam, she has been falling in love with her senior whose name is Shone. almost 3 years she has been admiring Shone without showing what she feels. the film tells when you fall in love, you will...
1. pass someone that you love just to see their face
2. do anything to make yourself look more interesting in front of them
3. and the silly one, you will keep anything that they give to you as a souvenir
i think it's really true because i've experienced it before :)
back to the story, after 3 years of waiting, Nam finally decided to tell about her feeling in last valentine day before they graduated their school. she said that she has been falling in love with Shone since the first time, but she can't said she loves him straightly. after that, Shone tells he has had a relationship with another girl :( Nam only cry over and over again. when she decided to tell her feeling, she is betrayed. it's so hard for girls to tell her feeling first!!
do you know what the truth is?
1. on valentine day in the first year, Nam gave Shone a chocolate and until 3 years more Shone still KEEP the chocolate
2. when Nam fall from the stage, Shone HOLDS her hand and try to save her. Shone said it's his first time to hold girl's hand
3. Shone always TAKES a photos of Nam without knowing by everyone else
4. Shone LETS his friend to get Nam's heart because he can't show his feeling to Nam
5. when valentine day in second year, Shone GIVES Nam a rose which has planted by himself but he said that his friend asked him to deliver the rose
Shone tells all his feeling to Nam by writting a book and there are a lot of pictures of Nam too. after some years, they're separated by time and distance. Nam become a successful designer and one day she meets Shone. they still love each other and have waited for 9 YEARS to be back again :)
through this film i get some lessons; "when you love someone, fight for what you feel. you shouldn't care about how long you have been waiting for them. because if you really love them time is just a number :) sometimes it's better to make someone whom we loved know our feeling so there's no regret in our life."
PS : For everyone who fall in love with someone but they don't give some signals, remember this! YOU HAVE COME THIS FAR, YOU MUST FIGHT TO THE END :D
Saturday, February 12, 2011
what is your choice?
1. you like two person in your life but you don't know what they feel to you. both of them have different personality which can impressed you. so, what is you choice?
a. the first type, who is very quiet and cool. they just talk if they need something. never ask some questions first, a little bit unsociable, never talk with other girls. but when you become their girlfriend, they will think you're the only one and they won't make you disappointed by looking another girls. beside that, they love their family so much! clever and multitalented but it will be a rare thing when you see them laugh freely~
b. the second type, they are very humorous and make you feel comfort. you'll never get bored when you're with them. love to laugh and smile. care to everybody including their female friends. so, you don't even know if you are very special for them because they treat everybody as the same as you. they love their family, clever, and multitalented too.
2. when you are falling in love...
a. you choose to fall with someone who has said they like you and promise to make you feel happy. they're kind, a good friend but you need some times to learn how to love them as they have done to you
b. you choose to fall with someone whom you have fallen with for some years. but, they don't give some sure signals to you if they like you too. you just keep waiting and hoping they will realize your faithfulness and appreciate it by loving you back
so, if you are in that conditions, what will you choose?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
:D :D :D
Monday, January 3, 2011
明日晴れるかな (Ashita Hareru Kana)
Shouting out for love, with hot tears streaming
Just where have those glorious days disappear to?
If it’s the same tomorrow, wandering on the streets,
There is no turning back from now on
Listening carefully to the voice of my heart
Just what would I probably say to myself?
Now, standing at the dirtied corner of the street,
Looking up in the sky, I will think to myself everytime
Loneliness and the troubles bestowed upon us from God
Just make us cry when we desire to
What will our fate be?
Should we just give up?
It is just like the never-ending magical wonders of the seasons
Oh baby. No, maybe.
Is there no ‘emotion’ without ‘love’?
Free to grieve about it,
For it is the consequence of society
Oh, baby. You’re maybe.
There is no ‘joy’ without ‘love’.
The feeling of happiness
Embrace it dearly one more time
For the sake of loving oneself on some days,
Recall on the beautiful memories that you have
For the life that has yet to unfold from the distant past
Exists to make that one dream of yours come true
Who will open the door to miracles?
Smile, just once more
Have you realized it yet?
The key (to the door) is already
On the palm of your hand
Why, baby? Oh, tell me.
Is there no ‘hate’ without ‘love’?
Free to foresee or not,
In order to protect oneself?
Oh, baby. You’re maybe.
It is not just a little game!!
This broken feeling
Overcome it one more chance
I talk to myself…
Oh, baby. No, maybe.
Is there no ‘emotion’ without ‘love’?
Free to grieve about it,
What is left will only be regret
Oh, baby. Smile, baby.
Life is not for eternity
To themselves, everyone in their heart
Whisper softly
“Will it be fine tomorrow…?”
Beneath the distant sky