Saturday, January 8, 2011

:D :D :D

on 6 january 2011 there is a news which makes me feel extremely HAPPY!!it's about what i dream since i was in secondary school. reminding the time when i write my blog about scholarship, the title is "useless" lol and it's the next part of that story. after that incident, i know and i believe that God has another plan for me. one day, my mother's friend tell me that there is a test to NAFA and NAFA is one of the best university in singapore for design. She knows i like drawing since i was kid and she suggest me to join it. so, after thinking for some days, i decided to join the test, hope i can be accepted. i learn from my experience in the past that i'm nothing without Him, i can't do anything without His help. in the past i'm too optimist and believe only with my ability. i only pray in the day before the test, i'm too arrogant :( Then, God give me the lessons and i feel really graceful bcause He makes me realized about His plan. On 19th december 2010, i went to jakarta and join the test. first, i felt not confident at all. the people who join the test were older than me (almost all of them). but i believe and i know, whatever the result is, it's the best for me and it's God's plan for my future. the result was told on 6th January. in 20.00pm my senior texted me and said that she has got the scholarship. waaa i was happy to hear that but i felt hopeless too. until 21.00 i still didn't know i was accepted or not. i keep praying, i keep hoping, and in 22.00 i got a message : "Josephine, congratulation! you are accepted in NAFA and get the scholarship!" aaaa finally one of my dreams comes true!! getting a scholarship for further my study :) thaaaanks to God, my family, and my friends who always support me. i remember when Ray (my best friend) say to me "don't stop dreaming, God will give the best for you" i still reminding that quote!! Sometimes what we want is different from God's plan but God has the best plan for us. maybe it will be hurt in the beginning but you must believe it will be great in the end (it can be more than you expected).in the end i want to tell whoever who read it : if you are fall, don't keep falling but you have to come up and prove that you're strong!! and dreams really do come true if we hope, hard work, and pray :)

don't stop dreaming because there is no wrong in wanting something more

1 comment:

  1. wah..trnyata ini blognya dd-nya si bobby..
    akakak.. nice blog.. :D
